Apprenticeship Applications Close Tuesday
Apply to Become an Ashley June Co. Apprentice & Get a 5-month behind the scenes look at what it takes to operate a $1M+ coaching business as well as gain invaluable leadership development
Step Into a Season of Grit + Service, and Eliminate the Overwhelm of Having to Figure It Out On Your Own With Months of Trial and Error
Have you been left wondering if you'll ever be able to get your coaching business up + running on your own?
Maybe you've been trying to get your online business off the ground, but you're feeling stressed about trying to put all of the pieces together without a plan.
Maybe you've started, but have gotten frustrated by not being able to create sustainable workflows, wasting precious time and energy that's taking you away from your family.
Maybe other coaching programs haven't worked for you because you are a hands-on learner, and simply working for a successful business to see how it operates day to day is the key you need.
Or maybe you just simply haven't been able to do it on your own and you wish someone could show you how to put it all together.
You keep thinking "I wish I could just see how it all works for someone else behind the scenes..."
You're a hands-on learner who needs to see how it works for someone else before you can build it on your own.
You're ready to do the hard work, but you want to be sure you are doing the right work.
You have a deep desire for someone to mentor you and show you the behind-the-scenes bird's-eye view of a successful business, so you can build one for yourself.
You're ready to step into a season of service for someone else, knowing that through experience you will gain irreplaceable training.
You are DYING to invest in The Selah Collective, but can't make it happen - but you do have the TIME to serve...
You're desperate to see how all the moving parts work together in real time, in the real world of business.
Instead of wasting the next 5 months wishing and hoping to start your business...
Get real-life, hands on training by working for Ashley June Co! See how a $1M+ coaching business actually works, get real-life training, and learn how to put it all together to start a successful business of your own!
Instead of second guessing your every move, learn proven strategies for managing your time, including showing up in your business every day.
Instead of being overwhelmed by everything you need to learn, see how to create workflows and protocols to manage your workload.
Instead of trying to piece it all together on your own, get access to the inner workings of a profitable online business in real time!
Instead of financially investing in The Selah Collective, you invest your time into serving another business so you can learn the ropes.
And I want to share what I've learned about what it takes as a leader to start and run a profitable coaching business with you.
Which is why I've created the...
The best way to learn is by doing...and doing it in community!
JOIN THE APPRENTICEPSHIP TEAM: During the 5 month apprenticeship program, you'll have the opportunity to learn a variety of tasks that all entrepreneurs need to hone and develop to be successful. Tasks may include: podcast management, copywriting, administrative support, communicating with potential leads via email or DMs, funnel development, launch planning, content creation, and more! See the full job descriptions below.
WORK 8-10 HOURS PER WEEK: Work 8-10 hours/week to develop workflow and rhythms, learn how to run a business smoothly in less time, as well as coordinate tasks with other AJC team members.
Get the on-the-job training you've been looking for without the long-term commitment!
Daily hours + your schedule will be set upon completion of onboarding.
Be sure you are able to commit to 8-10 hours per week for the next 5 months.
FLEXIBLE WORK OPTIONS: Have the opportunity to work 2-5 days per week from the comfort of your own home! Options include 1-2 hours per day Monday through Friday or 2-4 hours per day Monday, Wednesday, Friday. The work hours can be flexible, based on the apprenticeship position.
Daily hours + your schedule will be set upon completion of onboarding.
LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT TRAINING: Learn how to be a leader in your business, even as a solopreneur. Receive hands-on training to incorporate the 5-Phase Bloom Method from The Selah Collective into your own life, as well as what it takes to be a successful online business owner.
A TEAM OF FELLOW FAITH-LED ENTREPRENEURS: You'll no longer be a solopreneur - you'll be learning in community, on a team for AJC! Work with other faith-led entrepreneurs, learn and grow together, solving problems as a team, and build a community of support!
Plus...Get These 4 Awesome Bonuses Designed to Set Yourself Up for Business Success!
To begin the apprenticeship, you'll onboard into the world of AJC, a multi-6 figure online business. You'll receive team training, culture overview, as well as a full behind-the-scenes look at how the business operates day-to-day. Learn how to onboard your own team for the future!
During the 5 month apprenticeship, you'll receive relevant training and support to your position. Training may include content and/or marketing strategy, social media content creation, podcast management, workflow training, and more. Get real-world business + leadership training to bring into your own business.
Following successful completion of your apprenticeship, you'll receive first access to paid positions, as they are made available at AJC to continue to learn and grow as an entrepreneur.
Complete access to The Selah Collective Group Coaching program, priced at $4977+ after completing months 4 + 5 of the apprenticeship ! You'll have access to all materials, videos, templates, coaching calls, and the Facebook Group! Apply all of the skills from your apprenticeship to your new Holy-Spirit aligned coaching or course-based business. Read about program here.
If We Haven't Met...I'm
In 2013, I dove into the world of entrepreneurship after being fired for refusing to compromise my beliefs and act unethical. I ended up building and scaling a local photography business for the next 6 years, and jumped into the online education & coaching world in 2018 when I felt like God told me to close my business and build something new.
That next year I turned away over 250 inquiries and $20k months so I could build my online programs and teach other women how to build businesses like I did.
Now, I'm a 7-Figure biz owner whos enrolled $200k+ in 2-Weeks and believes in using a mix of HOLISTIC LIVE + PASSIVE EVERGREEN STRATEGIES that convert. I love Jesus, am a wife of an ex-ski bum, mama to 3 feisty kiddos, COSTA RICA SURF LOVER and I help holy-spirit filled coaches use testimony marketing to create epic offers and scale their businesses while in courageous alignment with God's calling. I’m {OB-SESSED} with helping others work less, make more and create a life of purpose + freedom so they can do whatever the heck they feel called to do - like…
"But I just don't have the time!"
I get it. You're busy. You've got a life. A family.
And business of your own to get started.
Think about this...
How much progress have you made on your own in the last 6 months?
How will you learn and manage everything on your own in the next 6 months without some real help?
How much could you learn in 5 months with behind-the-scenes access + real world application and training from
multi-6 figure business owner?
It's Time...
To go from feeling FRUSTRATED, watching endless videos and trainings but not being able to apply them on your own... to having the peace of mind, knowing you have a step-by-step plan to follow for your own business...
To stop being DISCOURAGED by your own lack of progress because the tech stuff has been holding you back... to empowered with the ability to tackle your own tech...
To ditch the OVERWHELM of all the moving parts of starting and running a biz on your own... to feeling the freedom you need to build your own successful business...
To end the CONFUSION of where to focus your energy, making you feel ready to give up because there's just so much to do... to having the clarity about where to focus your time and energy in your own business...
To eliminate the DOUBT that you'll ever have a successful business of your own... to feeling fully confident that success is possible for you!
Get Real-World Experience putting
The 5-Phase Framework into action for AJC!
Roots & Foundation
A deep dive into the foundational "roots" of who you are, who you want to be and how you can incorporate this into your business to be authentic in everything you do. This is one of the most important yet "skipped" phases - without firmly planted roots, your business will fail to thrive.
Stem & Biz Basics
The stem that's required to support your bud - basically the business essentials.Thorough training on each and every aspect of the business basics that impact the backend of your business. All small business owners need to understand how these elements are essential to profitability.
Bud & Branding
The budding potential that impacts e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g you do. Designing an authentic brand vibe through anything from your colors to your copywriting. Learn how to IMPACT your dream client and design your photography business so it romances the people in your tribe. Build an irresistible brand!
Vitals & Marketing
The water and sun that keeps your business blooming. Workflows that give you freedom and sustainable marketing that keeps your business alive and growing. Learn how these vitals are always impacting the health of your business, and what you can do to see it flourish.
Bloom & Sales
It's time to harvest the rewards of your planting - you are READY TO BLOOM! This section will walk you through EXACTLY how to conduct every stage of the sales process, from the inquiry phone call to the final ordering session. You will be prepared to make $5K+ sales and have raving clients!
What's the investment?
A willingness to learn + grow and be stretched as a business owner + leader
A heart for serving on the AJC Team
A minimum 5-month commitment for
8-10 hours of work per week
Who This Intenrship is For...
Looking to join The Selah Collective, but haven't been able to make it happen financially?
This is the perfect opportunity for you to get full access to the Selah Collective Program while working to pay it off! By working 8-10 hours per week for the 5 months of the Apprenticeship Program, you'll essentially be getting paid $25+/hour in exchange for your work. Upon completion of the Apprenticeship Program, you will have full access to the Selah Collective Program (priced at over $4977)!
This program is perfect for online business owners, creatives, or consultants who have gotten their business started, but aren't sure how to put it all together!
This apprenticeship program is great for biz owners who need help getting things going with hands-on real-world experience. Get all of the support you need to learn and grow over the next 5 months so you can go and do it for yourself. With access to behind-the-scenes of a successful multi-6 figure business plus access to The Selah Collective, you'll have everything you need to create and build your own profitable business!
You're hard-working, dedicated + motivated!
I'm looking for people who are just like me - hard-working, dedicated and motivated! You'll be working right alongside me to promote the AJC brand and products, learning what it looks like to build and grow a multi-6 figure online coaching and course-based business.
I don't just tell you HOW, I will SHOW you systems that will work with your biz
Because you get access to my brain, and by actually doing the work for yourself, you'll not only see HOW to do something, you'll know how to do it for youself!
We do Business From a Biblical Worldview
In my core, I believe that online biz owners fail to set up a proper foundation in almost every area of their business - and that's exactly why they don't enroll clients or bring in sales. They also fail to plan, which is why we are going to radically transform your business this year - all while staying in biblical alignment and building a business that doesn't feel icky. Learn how I do this on a day to day business so you can carry it into your own personal business, too!
You're working with and learning from an MBA + My team
My education has prepared me to be a great business owner and educator. Having a Masters in Business Administration (with an emphasis in Managing for Sustainability), as well as having an undergraduate degree in Business Management - has given me all of the proven results-oriented educational tools and principles that I will pass on to you. In addition, you will be working closely with my Online Business Manager, who will be coordinating the program, as well as your daily and weekly tasks.
All positions require 8-10 hours per week of committed work completed. Availability during the business day is required. This will be like a job and you will be required to show up like a job. You also need to be available for team meetings about 1x/month (p.s. kiddos are allowed in the background - we want to support moms!). Not only are we looking for stellar apprentices, but we want to support you throughout your business journey!
Month 1
Comprehensive Onboarding & Voxer Access to Team
Roots + Foundation Training
Character Training
Month 2
Apprenticeship Gift + Team Building
Stem + Biz Basics Training
Character Training
Month 3
You Choose:
30-Minute Beta Launch Plan + $10k Scalability Session OR
All-Access to the She Speaks Radiance Podcast Course
Bud + Branding Training
Character Training
Month 4
Receive $400 Stipend
Potential Behind-The Scenes Access to Launch
Access to Phases 1-3 of The Selah Signature Course and Coaching Community
Vitals + Marketing Training
Character Training
Month 5
Receive $400 Stipend
Access to Phases 4-5 of The Selah Signature Course and Coaching Community
Bloom + Sales Training
Character Training
Month 6
Potential Opportunity for Paid Position
(2 Positions Available)
The Marketing Apprentices will work 8-10 hours/week and be willing to make a 5 month minimum commitment. This position could choose 3-4 days per week (M-F) to work for 2-4 hours at a time. They will be responsible for assisting Ashley, the Executive Assistant, and Online Business Manager in marketing tasks, raising brand awareness, and supporting projects for Ashley June Co, as well as overseeing the details of day to day tasks within the business.
This position would be great for someone who wants to learn all the day-to-day marketing + operations pieces of managing an online business on the large-scale level. If you want to learn how to put workflows into place and see how a business runs day-to-day, this is a great position for you.
These tasks may include:
A: You'll be working for the AJC Team 8-10 hours per week on set days. After 5 months, you will be eligible for a paid position depending on our goals! This will be like a typical job - and we will be dependent on you to fulfill your duties in a timely + quality manner. This won't be an easy thing - it will require honor, loyalty and a firm commitment.
A: Yes and no! You will work the first 3 months in good faith, and then receive a $400 stipend at the end of month 4 + a $400 stipend at the end of month 5. The true payment is getting access to The Selah Collective which clients typically pay $4977+ for. Your work of 8-10 hours per week comes out to approximately $25+/hour in order to get access to the program.
A: We are willing to work around schedules a bit as needed as long as the hours are completed (even if they have to be pushed back to another week or completed early). However, we need advanced notice to accommodate changes. Also, some weeks may be lighter and some may be heavier. We do need someone who is a self-starter and good at completing tasks!
A: The Apprenticeship Program was created for new or aspiring coaches who are ready to work hard and learn what it takes to run a 7-figure business. They are dedicated to the success of AJC because they know by working hard they will learn what they need to know to create their own successful business. This program is for those who are able to make a 5 month commitment and work 8-10 hours per week.
A: We want to support moms if we can! So YES! Please apply if you think you can manage both. You can even bring your kiddos on Zoom team meeting calls if you need to - not a biggie. The big thing is having the dedicated, undistracted time to get the work done (and that we can rely on you for that to meet deadlines).
A: We know that many of you are starting an online business while working a part or full-time job, however, this Apprenticeship Program is designed for those who are not working more than a few hours a week (10-15 max) and are focused on getting their business up and running as quickly as possible.
A: Hey, I get it. I have a family + life, too. But I also know that it takes hard work and dedication to build a business. I am really looking for women who are able to contribute 8-10 hours per week every week for 5 months with some daytime hours, because I know what it takes to run a business. Think of this as on-the-job training to help jump start your own business.
If you don't have the time, please do not apply. We are looking for SERIOUS candidates who understand that instead of making a financial investment into a business coaching program, they can pay for it with their time investment.
A: You will start getting access in month 4 once we have established reliability and dedication! You will get final access after month 5, and then forever LIFETIME access after that!
A: Yes! You may apply! However, you are not allowed to substitute your current financial commitment for the apprenticeship program if you are accepted. What will happen is we will either upgrade your tier to mentorship or come up with a different coaching arrangement to help compensate for the difference!
A: We are hoping to start onboarding in the next 2 weeks.
2025 Copyright | Made With Love In Colorado | Ashley June Co